Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Honorific Decree by a Gathering for a Benefactor (4/5 CE) Alexandria - Delta region

Alexandria (Delta region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 4/5 CE
GRA III 174 = IAlexandriaK 91 = SB V 8787 = IEgJud 18 = SEG 42:1501; SEG 43:1091; SEG 46:2085 = PHI 217900 = AGRW ID# 31049
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1739


Fragment of a marble plaque (27 x 15 cm) broken on both the left and the right. Now in the Musée gréco-romaine in Alexandria (inv. 171, cat. 47). This may or may not involve a Judean association. The reference to a "gathering" (synagōgē) is reconstructed and the reference to a gathering leader (archisynagõgos) is certain, but these terms also were not exclusive to Judeans.

. . . For good fortune!   In year 34 of Caesar (?) . . . on the 18th of Hathyr, at the . . . meeting of the association (synagōgē; completely reconstructed) (?) . . . of those from . . . that occurred . . ., whose chief gathering leader (archisynagōgos) was Name . . . and whose chief president (archiprostatēs) was Diokles (?) . . .  It was resolved that, whereas Brasidas son of Herakleides, who . . . in the 33rd year of Caesar, having conducted himself in all things. . . honestly . . . the costs for . . . the first days of the month. . . repairs, in accordance with . . . a crown . . . and the other two.

Translation by: Kloppenborg

[ἀγαθῆι τύχηι] | [ἔτους δλʹ(?) Καίσαρος, Ἁ]θ̣ὺρ ιηʹ ἐπὶ τῆς γ[ενη]|[θείσης συναγωγῆ]ς τῶν ἀπὸ τῆς Το̣[—] | [— — —]Σ ὧν ἀρχισυναγω[γος] || [—?— καὶ ἀρ]χ̣ιπροστάτης Διοκ̣[λῆς] | [— — — ἐπειδὴ Β]ρασίδας Ἡρακλε[ίδου] | [— — — τὸ] γλʹ (ἔτος) Καίσαρος ο̣[․․․] | [— — —] ἐ̣ν ἅπασι ἀνασ̣τ̣[ρεφό]|[μενος —ca.8-9—ω]ς καὶ ὑγιῶς ΕΠ[— —] || [— — —]Σ̣ τὴν δαπάνην Π̣[— —] | [— — — νε]ομηνιακὰς ἡμέ[ρας] | [— — — ἐ]πισκευὰς ἀκολ[ούθως] | [— — —]ΟΥ λόγῳ ἐπὶ ΤΟ[— —] | [— — ․π]οδεξαμενοι̣[— —] || [— — —] στεφάνῳ ΕΙ̣[— —] | [— — — καὶ ἄλ]λοις δυσὶ̣ [— —] | [— — —]Π̣Ι̣․[— —] | — — —.

Item added: April 24, 2020
Item modified: April 24, 2020
ID number: 31049
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