Ephesos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 60s BCE
IEph 2058
= CIL III 14195
= PHI 248799
= AGRW ID# 8456
Three pieces found in the area of the theater with a Latin inscription. The final two lines were erased. For the Italian businessmen or merchants at Ephesos, see also IEph 409 and 658. If the L. Agrius here is the same man mentioned by Cicero, then this inscription would date to the 60s BCE (Pro Flacco 31; cf. Terpstra 2013, 195).
The Italians who are engaged in business in Ephesos (Italicei, quei Ephesi negotiantur) set up this statue of Lucius Agrius Publeianus, son of Lucius.
Translation by: HarlandL(ucio) Agrio L(ucii) f(ilio) | Publeiano | [[Italicei, quei]] | [[Ephesi negotiantur.]]
Item added: December 21, 2012
Item modified: December 7, 2015
ID number: 8456
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