Maroneia (Thrace, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), II-I BCE
IThraceL 183
= RICIS 114/0203
= PHI 295451
= AGRW ID# 14078
Copenhagen Inventory info: 739
. . . (opening of decree, including the introduction of the resolution, missing) . . . with a crown and . . . a bronze (or: engraved) image (?). . . ; to set up the image in the most conspicuous place in the temple (hieron); and, to crown him with a gold crown each year in all the synods (synodoi; i.e. meetings), with the temple-warden (neōkoros) making the proclamation as follows: “The therapeutists (therapeutai; i.e. servants) of the god crown Sokles son of Theoxenides, who has served as priest in a manner demonstrating nobility and goodness.” The current examiner (exetastēs) is to take care of what is written above, and he is to be free of service and exempt from every fee, participating in all the common activities in the temple. Now in order that those entering into the temple may know about the character and goodness of Sokles–the piety he has had towards the deity and the therapeutists and the gratitude he has towards (?) those meeting in the temple–this decree is to be written on a monument (stele) of white stone and placed in the temple of Sarapis.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: July 3, 2013
Item modified: September 26, 2020
ID number: 14078
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