Netteia on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), II BCE
IG XII,1 890
= C. T. Newton, "On an Unedited Rhodian Inscription," JHS 2 (1881) 354–61
= PHI 139442
= AGRW ID# 15093
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2055
(missing lines followed by twelve extremely fragmentary lines) . . . to crown Sosikrates son of Kleonymos, citizen of Netteia, with a crown of olive branches (?) . . . After ratifying this decree, the superintendents (epistatai) and the heralds (kērykes) are to be in charge of the crowning . . . and the public proclamation (?) . . . in the meeting (syllogos) that follows. . . . Therefore, in order that (?) . . . this granting of honor might be visible afterwards, let the Euthalidians elect a man. Let the one who is elected ask (20) the Council and the People to give the Euthalidians permission to praise and to crown Sosikrates son of Kleonymos of Neitteia and, having this decree inscribed on a monument of white stone, let him set it up in Netteia in the temple of Zeus Patroos (“Ancestral”), if the Euthalidians may display it. Also let the sacred-treasurer (hierotamias) pay not more than fifty drachmas towards these tasks. Euphranor son of Dardanos, citizen of Netteia, was elected.
(Decree of the civic institutions)
When Agestratos was priest, on the 27th of the month of Karneios, (30) the Council and the People resolved: Euphranor son of Dardanos, citizen of Neitteia, proposed: To give permission to Euphranor son of Dardanos, citizen of Netteia, and the association (koinon) of Euthalidians to praise and to crown Sosikrates son of Kleonymos, citizen of Netteia with a crown of olive branches, and to set up the monument (stelē) in Netteia in the temple of Zeus Patroos.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: March 7, 2015
Item modified: September 26, 2020
ID number: 15093
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