Kallatis (Scythia and Moesia, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), I BCE
IKallatis 41
= Avram 1998, 117-119 (no. 2)
= SEG 18 (1962), no. 287
= PHI 173609
= AGRW ID# 14461
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1158
. . . . (at least 7 missing or largely unintelligible lines). . . The banqueters (thoinatai) . . . of Ariston, who is a benefactor, because of the goodwill he especially maintains towards the synod (synodos). They praised Ariston son of Ariston because of these things. They also decreed a perpetual crown so that it would be proclaimed in the gatherings (synodoi) during the tenth day on account of (?) love of honor towards the homeland. And the decree is to be inscribed on a monument (telamōn) of white stone and set up . . . in the temple (?) . . . of Homonoia (“Concord”) . . .
Translation by: HarlandItem added: July 17, 2013
Item modified: October 1, 2020
ID number: 14461
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