Aphrodisias (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 127 CE
IAph 12.27
= Roueché, PPAphr 88
= PHI 265180
= AGRW ID# 5420
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1715
Decree of the sacred synod (synodos) . . . It was resolved by the sacred worldwide synod (?). . . around Dionysos and the emperor Trajan, . . . son of the divine Caesar . . . Trajan, victorious in Dacia and Parthia, . . . , grandson of the divine Nerva, Hadrian Caesar Augustus, new Dionysos, the synod of performers . . . crowned and sacred victors (?) . . . and the fellow-competitors. Resolution introduced by Theophrastos Tryphon, son of Eubiotos, . . . comedian, of Laodicea, seconded by (?) . . . Eutyches son of Eutyches, comedian, Asian victor, of Hierapolis. . . . Since Gaius Julius, son of Gaius (?) . . . Longianos, a good tragic poet without a rival, a man . . . worthy of (?) . . . all regard and all . . . not only adorning but also enhancing through his virtuous learning . . . eloquence . . . the reputation of his natural genius, his unceasing goodwill and zeal . . . so as to increase and enhance our synod, by which altogether . . . and as an encouragement for future generations, honored him with a painted likeness . . . to be put up in whatever (?) . . . place in his homeland that he himself may choose, and to be advocate for life of the . . . synod (?) . . . since it is our wish (?) . . . to reward men with appropriate honors. This was carried out . . . when the consuls were Marcus Gavius Squilla (?) . . . Gallicanus and Titus Atilius Rufus Titianus, six days before the calends of April . . . The president was Theophrastos (?); the . . . was Tryphon son of Eubiotos also called Theophrastos Orion, of Laodicea, comedian; . . . Name . . . was . . . and gymnasiarch; the secretary was Aelius Claudius Diogenes . . .; the . . . was Apelles son of Chares, Aphrodisian . . .
Translation by: Charlotte M. Roueché(iii)
ψήφισμα ἱερᾶς συνόδου vac. | [ἔδοξεν τῇ ἱερᾷ συνόδῳ τῶν ἀπὸ τῆς οἰκου]μένης περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον καὶ αὐτοκράτορα Τραιανὸ(ν) Καίσαρος θεοῦ vac. | [Τραιανοῦ Δακικοῦ Παρθικοῦ υἱὸν, θεοῦ Ν]έρουα υἱωνὸν, Ἁδριανὸν Καίσαρα Σεβαστὸν νέον Διόνυσον τεχνε[ι]|[τῶν ? ἱερονεικῶν στεφανειτῶν καὶ τῶν σ]υναγωνιστῶν vac. εἰσηγησαμένου Θεοφράστου τοῦ Εὐβιότου Τρύφωνος vac. || [κωμῳδοῦ, Λαοδικέως, ἐπιψηφισαμένου Ε]ὐ̣τύχους τοῦ Εὐτύχους κωμῳδοῦ Ἀσιονείκου Ἱεραπολείτου vac. | [ἐπεὶ Γάιος Ἰούλιος, ? Γαίου υἱὸς, Λογγι]α̣νὸς ἀγαθὸς ἀτελὴς τραγῳδίων ποιήτης ἀνὴρ πὰντος λόγου καῖ πάσης | [․ ․ ․ c.30/31 . . . ]Σ̣ΙΑΝ οὐ μόνον κοσμῶν ἀλλὰ καὶ συναύξων διὰ τῆς ἐναρέτου παιδείας | [․ . ․ c.27/28 ․ . . μεγ]αλοφυεῖ δόξῃ λογιότητα, τὴν ἀδιάλειπτον εὔνοιάν τε καὶ σπουδὴν ΕΝ v. [. . . c.30/31 ․ ․ ․]ΥΤΑΙ ὡς πληθύειν ἡμῶν τὴν σύνοδον καὶ συναύξειν, δι’ ὃ ἄθ̣ρ̣οον τὸ τῆς ΕΙ̣Ο̣||[․ ․ ․ c.30/31 ․ . .]Τ̣ΑΙ καὶ προτροπὴν τῶν μελλόντων ἐτείμησεν αὐτὸν εἰκόνι γραπτῇ vac. | [․ ․ ․ c.25/26 ․ . .] ἐν ᾧ ἂν ]τ̣όπῳ τῆς πατρίδος αὐτὸς προέ̣λ̣ηται, εἶναί τ̣ε̣ π̣ροήγορον διὰ βίου τῆς | [συνόδου ․ ․ ․ c.24/25 . . . ]Ο̣ΧΗ τῆς ἀξίας ἄνδρας ταῖς πρεπούσαις τειμαῖς ἀμείβεσθαι stop ἐτελέσθη̣ | [ἐπὶ ὑπάτων Μάρκου Γαουίου Σκουίλλα Γ]αλλικανοῦ καὶ Τίτου Ἀτ̣ειλίου Ῥούφου Τιτιανοῦ πρὸ ϛʹ καλανδῶν Ἀπρειλίων̣ | [. ․ . c.12/13 ․ . . Θεοφράστου τοῦ Εὐβιότο]υ Τρύφωνος τοῦ καλουμένου Θεοφράστου Ὠρείωνος Λαοδικέως κωμῳ||[δοῦ . . . c. 28/29 ․ ․ ․]Σ̣ καὶ γυμνασιάρχου, γραμματεύοντος δὲ Αἰλίου Κλαυδίου Διογένους vac. | [․ ․ ․ c.31/32 ․ . .]Ν̣ΤΟΣ Ἀπελ̣λα Χά̣ρ̣η̣τος Ἀφροδεισιέω̣[ς κι]θ̣α̣ρ̣ῳ̣[δο]υ̣ [․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․ ․]ΟΥ vac.

IAph 12.27: Decree of the Synod in Honor of Longianos.
Photo by the NYU expedition.
© 2007 King’s College London.
(Reproduced under a Creative Commons license).
Item added: November 6, 2012
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 5420
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