Perinthos-Herakleia (Thrace, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), after 212 CE
IPerinthos 167
= IThraceD 72k
= PHI 167378
= AGRW ID# 14180
Copied by Cyriacus of Ancona (in 1444; no description available).
I, Aurelius Philippianos ☧ (Christian) made this for myself, for my wife Aurelia Dekniane ☧ (Christian), and for my father Aurelius Neophytos ☧ (Christian). Now if anyone dares to bury another body in it, that person will pay 500 denarii to the brothers (adelphoi).
Translation by: HarlandΑὐρ(ήλιος) Φιλιππιανὸς ☧ ἐποίησα ἐμαυǀτῷ καὶ τῇ γυναικί μου Αὐρ(ηλίᾳ) Δεκνιανῇ ǀ ☧ καὶ τῷ πατρί μου Αὐρ(ηλίῳ) Νεοφύτῳ ǀ ☧· εἰ δέ τις τολμήσει ἕτερον βαλεῖν, ǀǀ δώσει τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς 𐆖 {denarius symbol} φʹ.
Item added: July 4, 2013
Item modified: January 19, 2016
ID number: 14180
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