Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Grave of a Dionysiac Initiate with an Epigram (undated) Daskyleion - Mysia and the Troad

Daskyleion (Mysia and the Troad, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
T. Corsten, "Daskyleion am Meer," EA 12 (1988) 53-76, at 72-74 (no. 2) = IKyzikos I 540 = PHI 277671 = AGRW ID# 7233


Grave with a fragmentary poetic epitaph (epigram) and a relief depicting Dionysos holding a scepter or wand. Found between Daskyleion and Rhyndakos (near lake Daskylitis / Manyas, south of Kyzikos). Forward slashes (/) represent proposed verse breaks.

. . . the societies (thiasoi) set this up for the sake of remembrance . . . / having a figure of Bromios (“Thunderer”; i.e. Dionysos) . . . It is a corpse we see. / Now if a passer-by sees me alone here in the tomb,  / . . . how he performs the funerary rites, and alone . . .  /  Say farewell to me, all initiates (mystai) of Dionysos who pass by./

Translation by: Harland

[–⏑⏑ –—]ν θίασοι μνήμης χάριν ΩΝΜΕ | [⏑ –– / σ]χῆμα̣ δ’ ἔχ<ο>μ {ἔχϹμ} Βρομίου· | [ὁ ν]έκυς, ὃν βλέπομεν. / εἰ δέ μέ τις | [παράγ]ων ἐσίδῃ μόνον τῷδ’ ἐνὶ τύμβῳ, / || [–⏑] δ’ ὅπως ἐτάφην, καὶ μόνος ΟΝ | [⏑ ⏑—]Ρ[—]Ε. / χαίρετ’ ἐμοὶ παράγοντες | [ἀε]ὶ μύσται Διονύσου. /

Item added: December 6, 2012
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 7233
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