Kyzikos area [Aisepos] (Mysia and the Troad, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), III-II BCE
AGRW 106 =
IMT 1181
= IKyzikos I 312
= PHI 288557
= AGRW ID# 288
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1008
Found and copied by Metropolitan Nikomedos of Kyzikos on a stone in the vicinity of Gönen.
Memorial of Menekrates son of Androneikos which the fellow–initiates (symmystai) … of Poimanenians (i.e. inhabitants of the village of Poimanenon) (?) … prepared for him.
Translation by: Harlandὑπόμνημα ǀ Μενεκράτου ǀ τοῦ ǀ Ἀνδρονείκου ǀǀ ὃ κατεσκεύασαν ǀ αὐτῷ ǀ οἱ συμμύσται ǀ [Πο]<ι>μ[αν]ηνῶ[ν].
Item added: November 5, 2011
Item modified: September 22, 2020
ID number: 288
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