Lindos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), undated
AGRW (not inlcuded) =
IG XII,1 917
= CMRDM I 17
= PHI 139469
= AGRW ID# 15095
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2092
(column 1) The association (koinon) of Meniasts honored Hephaistion of Antioch with a crown of olive branches. (crown) (column 2) Diodotos, native, son of Hephaistion. (beneath both columns) Farewell good men!
Translation by: Harland{column a, line 1} τὸ κοινὸν | τὸ Μηνιαστᾶν | ἐτίμασε | Ἡφαιστίωνα | Ἀντιοχῆ θαλλίνωι στεφάνωι. ||
{column b, line 1} Διόδοτος | ἐγγενής, | υἱὸς | Ἡφαιστίωνος. ||
{beneath both columns, beginning at line 6} χρηστοὶ χαίρετε.
Item added: March 6, 2015
Item modified: February 23, 2021
ID number: 15095
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