Saittai (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 167/168 CE
TAM V 87a
= PHI 263482
= AGRW ID# 793
Slab of marble (61 x 33 x 7 cm).
Year 252 (of the Sullan era), 4th day of Artemision — he departed. The association (synbiōsis = symbiōsis) honored Zenobis son of Zenobios. Farewell!
Translation by: Harlandἔτους σνβʹ, μη(νὸς) Ἀρ|τεμεισίου δʹ ἀ(πιούσῃ). Ζη|νόβιν Ζηνοβίου | ἡ συνβίωσις ἐτεί||μησεν ζήσαντα | ἔτη ληʹ. χαῖρε.
Item added: November 25, 2011
Item modified: December 3, 2015
ID number: 793
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