Teos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), II BCE or later
CIG 3101
= ITeosMcCabe 192
= Boulay 2013, 257 (no. 5)
= PHI 256582
= AGRW ID# 12885
(column 1) (in a crown) The youths (ephēboi) and young men (neoi).
(beneath) Farewell Mato, daughter of Bion and wife of Chareas!
(column 2) (in a crown) All the societies (thiasoi).
(beneath) Farewell Demarche, daughter of Deuchos and wife of Quintus!
Translation by: Harland{column 1}
{in a crown:}
οἱ ἔφηβοι, | οἱ νέοι.
Ματὼ Βίωνος, | Χαιρέου δὲ γυνή, || vac. χαῖρε.
{column 2}
{in a crown:}
οἱ θ<ί>ασ{ι}οι | πάντες.
Δημάρχη Διεύ<χ>ου, | γυνὴ δὲ Κ<ο>ΐντου, || vac. χαῖρε.
Item added: May 30, 2013
Item modified: December 8, 2015
ID number: 12885
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