Saittai (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 183/184 CE
SEG 29 (1979), no. 1191
= Bakir-Barthel and Müller 1979, 172 (no. 30)
= SEG 29 (1979), no.1191
= PHI 277077
= AGRW ID# 2086
Slab of white marble with tusk tenon for insertion into another stone (67 x 26.5-38 x 4.5).
Year 268 (of the Sullan era), on the seventh of the month of Loos. The guild (synergasia) of linen-workers (leinourgoi = linourgoi) honored Herakleides son of Herakleides, who lived 35 years.
Translation by: Harlandἔτ(ους) σξηʹ, μη(νὸς) Λῴου ζʹ Ἡρα|κλείδην Ἡρακλείδου | ἐτείμησαν ἡ συνεργα|σία τῶν λεινοργῶν || ζή(σαντα) ἔτ(η) λεʹ.
Item added: June 20, 2012
Item modified: November 10, 2012
ID number: 2086
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