Saittai area [Thermai Theseos] (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 140/141 CE
TAM V 71
= IGRR IV 1377
= PHI 263465
= AGRW ID# 2113
Slab of marble (302 x 77 x 17cm). Thermai Theseos was located southeast of Saittai and southwest of Silandos.
Year 225 (of the Sullan era), on the first of the eleventh month. The association (kollēgion = collegium) of the family of C. Julius Quadratus which is in Thermai Theseos in the region of Mokaddene honored Epitynchanon, hero (or: deceased) at the age of eight. This was prepared by his father, Epitynchanon, and his mother, Soteris.
Translation by: Harlandἔτους σκεʹ, μη(νὸς) ιαʹ πρ(οτέρᾳ). κολλήγιον φαμιλί|ας Γ. Ἰ(ουλίου) Κουαδράτου τ[ὸ] ὂν ἐν Θερμαῖς | Θησέως κώμῃ τῆς Μοκαδδηνῆς ἐ|τείμησαν Ἐπιτυνχάνοντα ἥρωα ἐ||τῶν ηʹ, προνοησαμένων Ἐπιτυν[χά]|νοντος πατρὸς καὶ μητρὸς Σωτηρίδος.
Item added: June 21, 2012
Item modified: December 3, 2015
ID number: 2113
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