Nikaia (Bithynia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), III CE
INikaia 1324
= PHI 278295
= AGRW ID# 13296
Copenhagen Inventory info: 629
Slab of marble with a triangular top (pediment) (90 x 45 x 20 cm; letter height: 2-2.5 cm).
This tomb holds Epiktetos, mourned by all, son of Vera and Asklepiades, chief-initiate (archimystēs) of great Bacchos (i.e. Dionysos), who . . . left behind his wife. . .
Translation by: Harlandοὗτος ὁ τύμβος ἔχι | Ἐπίκτητον τὸν πᾶσι | ποθητὸν vac. υἱέα [Οὐ]|ή̣ρας καὶ Ἀσκληπιά[δου], || γεγαῶτα ἀρχιμύσ[την] | Βάκχου Μεγάλου [․․․]|ος λῖψεν γαμετὴ[ν — — —] | χ̣ιλ̣λ̣[— — —] | [— — —]
Item added: June 20, 2013
Item modified: September 18, 2020
ID number: 13296
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