Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Funerary Honors by Youths and Societies for Egilaknos (after 290 BCE) Teos - Ionia

Teos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), after 290 BCE
Alfred Laumonier and Robert Demangel, "Inscriptions d’Ionie," BCH 46 (1922) 307-355, at 342 (no. 32) = Boulay 2013, 256 (no. 3) = ITeosMcCabe 166 = SEG 2 (1924), no. 610 = PHI 256556 = AGRW ID# 18624


Base found in the cemetery to the northeast of Seferihisar (27 x 42 cm).

Farewell, Egilaknos, a good man!

(column 1) The youths (ephēboi) and the young men (neoi).

(column 2)  All the societies (thiasoi).

Translation by: Harland

Ἐγίλακνε χρηστὲ [χαῖρε.]

{column 1} οἱ ἔφηβοι | καὶ | οἱ νέοι.  

{column 2} οἱ θίασοι vac. | πάντες.

Item added: November 25, 2015
Item modified: December 8, 2015
ID number: 18624
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