Teos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), after 290 BCE
Alfred Laumonier and Robert Demangel, "Inscriptions d’Ionie," BCH 46 (1922) 307-355, at 342 (no. 32)
= Boulay 2013, 256 (no. 3)
= ITeosMcCabe 166
= SEG 2 (1924), no. 610
= PHI 256556
= AGRW ID# 18624
Base found in the cemetery to the northeast of Seferihisar (27 x 42 cm).
Farewell, Egilaknos, a good man!
(column 1) The youths (ephēboi) and the young men (neoi).
(column 2) All the societies (thiasoi).
Translation by: HarlandἘγίλακνε χρηστὲ [χαῖρε.]
{column 1} οἱ ἔφηβοι | καὶ | οἱ νέοι.
{column 2} οἱ θίασοι vac. | πάντες.
Item added: November 25, 2015
Item modified: December 8, 2015
ID number: 18624
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