Saittai (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 152/153 CE
SEG 29 (1979), no. 1184
= Bakir-Barthel and Müller 1979, 166-167 (no. 26)
= PHI 277070
= AGRW ID# 2014
Copenhagen Inventory info: 403
Plaque of white marble with acroteria (91cm x 30.5-44 x 1.6).
Year 237 (of the Sullan era), on the twentieth of the month of Apellaios. (crown). The guild (synergasia) of clothing-cleaners (or: fullers; gnapheis) honored Charmides son of Menophilos, who lived for 18 years.
Translation by: Harlandἔτους σλζʹ, μη(νὸς) Ἀπελλαί|ου κʹ, Χαρμίδην Μηνοφίλου ἐ|τείμησεν ἡ συνεργασία | τῶν γναφέων ζήσαντα ἔ||τη ιηʹ.
Item added: June 19, 2012
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 2014
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