Pantikapaion (Bosporan region, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), II CE
IBosp 86
= IPontEux IV 469
= GGSR 50a
= PHI 182803
= AGRW ID# 7615
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1285
Slab of marble (26-37 x 55 x 19 cm; letter height: 3.5 cm). Found at Kerch in 1900, now in Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum (inv. КЛ-265).
Caesius Phlegon. The synod (synodos) gathered around Hermogenes the synagogue-leader (synagōgos) and Kallistratos the goodness-loving official (philagathos) set this up in memory of their own synod-member (synodeitēs).
Translation by: HarlandΚαίσιον Φλέγοντα σύνοδος, | ἡ περὶ συναγωγὸν Ἑρμογένη | καὶ φιλάγαθον Καλλίστρατον, | τὸν συνοδείτην || μνήμης χ̣[άριν].
Item added: December 11, 2012
Item modified: October 1, 2020
ID number: 7615
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