Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Grave of Bacchylon Prepared by Devotees of the Hero Aineias (125/126 CE) Thessalonike - Macedonia

Thessalonike (Macedonia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), 125/126 CE
IG X 2.1 1366 = IThessN II.15 = AÉ (2006), no 1284 = BE (1987), no. 680 = SEG 56 (2006), no. 766 = AGRW ID# 24955
Copenhagen Inventory info: 758


Slab with a relief depicting a man holding containers to weigh fish. The deceased was likely a fisherman and the group may be an association of fishermen. The museum curators suggest that this may also be a group founded by immigrants from Aineia on the coast of Macedonia (modern Nea Michaniona).

Year 157, which is also the year 273.   The association (synētheia) of the hero Aineias consisting of those gathered around Publius Cosidius Celsus, the head of the gathering (archisynagōgos), set this up as a memorial for Bacchylon son of Theodes when Tiberius Claudius Zosimos was secretary (grammateus) and Herennius Olympos was assistant-secretary (hypogrammateus).

Translation by: Harland

ἔτους ζνρ΄ τοῦ καὶ γοσ΄ | ἡ συνήθεια ἥρωος Αἰνεία τῶν | περὶ Π(όπλιον) Κωσίδιον Κέλσον | ἀρχισυνάγωγον γραμματεύοντος | Τι(βερίου) Κλαυδίου Ζωσίμου ὑπογ̣[ρ]|αμματέως Ἑρεννίου Ὀλύ[μπου] | Βακχύλον Θεοδέους̣ [- -] | [- -]ον μνήμης χ[άριν].

Item added: November 30, 2018
Item modified: September 7, 2020
ID number: 24955
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