Saittai (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 233-234 CE
ILydiaM 107
= SEG 49 (1999), no. 1672
= AGRW ID# 12267
Slab of marble with pediment (decorated with a disk and flowers), acroteria and tenon, now in the Izmir museum (72 x 37 x 7.7 cm).
Year 318 (of the Sullan era), on the 8th day from the end of the month of Artemeisios. The guild (synergasia) of linen-workers (linourgoi) honored Aurelius Attikos, who lived 50 years.
Translation by: HarlandἜτους τηιʹ, μη(νὸς) Ἀρτε|μεισίου ηʹ ἀ(πιούσῃ) {or ἀ(πιόντος)} · Αὐρ. Ἀττι|κὸν Διολάου ἐτεί|μησεν ἡ συνεργασί||α τῶν λινουργῶν v | ζήσαντα ἔτη νʹ.
Item added: May 16, 2013
Item modified: December 3, 2015
ID number: 12267
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