Saittai (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 152/153 CE
TAM V 79
= PHI 263473
= AGRW ID# 700
Copenhagen Inventory info: 406
Slab of marble decorated with crowns (88 x 39 x 7 cm).
Year 237 (of the Sullan era), 10th of Xandikos. The street (plateia) of the leather-workers (skyteis) honored Apollonides son of Apollonides, who lived 47 years.
Translation by: Harlandἔτους σλζ', μη(νὸς) Ξανδικοῦ | ι'. ἡ πλατεῖα τῶν σκυτέ|ων ἐτείμησαν Ἀπολλω|νίδην β', ζήσανταν ἔτη || μζ'.
Item added: November 23, 2011
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 700
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