Ephesos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
IEph 1182
= PHI 249615
= AGRW ID# 8317
Slab of white marble found in the sanctuary of Artemis Ephesia (27 x 56 x 11 cm; letter height: 2.6). See also IEph 1620, which also involves a group of gladiators owned by T. Cl. Tatianos Julianus
Family of gladiators belonging to Tiberius Claudius Tatianus Julianus, Asiarch.
Translation by: Harland(column 1) φαμιλίας ǀ μονομάχων (column 2) Τι. Κλ. Τατιανοῦ ǀ Ἰουλιανοῦ ἀσιά[ρ]ǀχου.
Item added: December 20, 2012
Item modified: December 8, 2015
ID number: 8317
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