Pantikapaion (Bosporan region, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 210 CE
IBosp 97
= PHI 182814
= AGRW ID# 7651
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1296
. . . The synod (synodos) gathered around . . . Hygiainon the goodness-loving official (philagathos), and the rest of the synod-members (synodeitai) set up the monument (stele) in memory of Arathos son of Pappas in the 507th year on the 7th of the month of Dystros.
Translation by: Harland
IBosp 97: Drawing by Latyšev, “Эпиграфические новости из южной России (находки 1901—1903 годов). С 100 снимками надписей,” IAK 10 (1904) 31 (no. 23).
Public domain.
Item added: December 11, 2012
Item modified: October 4, 2020
ID number: 7651
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