Nikomedia (Bithynia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
IJO II 157
= Louis Robert, "Épitaphes juives d’Éphèse et de Nicomédie," Hellenica 11–12 (1960), 381-413, at 391-392
= TAM IV 377 = CIJ 799
= PHI 279200
= AGRW ID# 13319
Found just before 1905. Only the fines for violation of the grave remain for this fragmentary epitaph.
. . . and no one else is permitted to be buried in it. Now if anyone (?) . . . dares to do so, that person will pay a fine of 1000 denarii to the synagogue (synagōgē) of the Judeans and 2000 denarii to the treasury. Farewell!
Translation by: Harland[μηδένα ἕτερον κατατ]εθῆν[αι· ἐὰν] | [δέ τι]ς τολμήσῃ, δ[ώ]|σει προστείμ[ου] | τῇ συναγωγῇ τῶν || Ἰουδέων (δην.) ͵α καὶ | τῷ ταμίῳ (δην.) ͵β. χαίρετε.
Item added: June 20, 2013
Item modified: December 3, 2015
ID number: 13319
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