Perinthos-Herakleia (Thrace, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map),
IPerinthos 118
= PHI 167329
= AGRW ID# 14167
Copenhagen Inventory info: 533
Fragment of a coffin (sarcophagus) of marble (53 x 58 x 15 cm). The inscription is extremely fragmentary but does refer to a guild (technē) as recipient of potential fines for violation of the grave.
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: Harland[εἰ δέ τις τολμήσει ἕτ]ερόν τι[να κατα]|[θεῖναι — — —] δώσει προσ|[τείμου τῇ πόλει 𐆖 {denarius symbol} —ʹ καὶ τῇ] τέχνῃ | [τῶν — — 𐆖 {denarius symbol} —ʹ. χαῖ]ρε παροδεῖτα.
Item added: July 4, 2013
Item modified: September 26, 2020
ID number: 14167
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