Apollonia (Illyria, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), II CE
IApollonia 404
= PHI 315600
= AGRW ID# 22066
Upper part of a limestone slab with a miniature temple (naiskos) in relief.
The association (koinon) of Monophiliakians (monophiliakoi; i.e. founded or led by Monophilos; or: unique-friends) set this up for Succesus Name . . . using the common funerary fund (syntaphikon) of the society (thiasos). Farewell!
Translation by: Harlandτὸ κοι[νὸ]ν τῶν | Μονοφιλια[κῶν] συν|ταφικοῦ θιά[σου] | [Σ]ουκκεσὸς Εὐ[— — —]. || χαῖρε.
Item added: January 22, 2016
Item modified: January 22, 2016
ID number: 22066
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