Thyatira area [Montana] (Lydia, Asia Minor), II CE
TAM V 806
= ILydiaKP II 147
= PHI 264234
= AGRW ID# 12975
Copenhagen Inventory info: 875
Slab of marble found in Yeǧenoba (79.5 x 37.5 x 8 cm). In these fragmentary funerary honors, several family members and either one or two associations (both a speira and a phratra are mentioned) say farewell to the deceased.
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: HarlandΦίλιππον Λι[— — —] | τὸν υἱόν, [— ca.9-10 — τὸν ἑαυτῆς] | ἄνδρα, Στα[— — — τὸν] | πατέρ[α, — — —] || ἡ φράτρα τὸν φ[ράτορα, —] | ἡ σπεῖρα τὸν Α̣[— — ca.13-14 — —] | Ἀμιὰς ἡ πάτρα καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ συ|νγενεῖς ἐτείμησαν. | χαῖρε.
Item added: June 6, 2013
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 12975
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