Sidyma (Lycia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), III CE
B. Takmer, "Stadiasmus Patarensis için Parerga (2) Sidyma I. Yeni Yazıtlarla Birlikte Yerleşim Tarihçesi," Gephyra 7 (2010) 95-136, at 122-125 (no. 5)
= SEG 60 (2010), no. 1567
= AGRW ID# 24313
Piece of a slab of rectangular limestone with mouldings. Found in a private garden.
The friends (philoi) set this up for the friend Claudius Daphnikos. Epathagos, Deios, Philtatos. . .
Translation by: Harlandοἱ φίλοι τὸν | φίλον Κλαύδιον̣ | Δαφνικὸν | Ἐπάγαθος || Δεῖος | [Φί]λ̣τατ̣[ος] | [— — —].
Item added: March 2, 2017
Item modified: March 2, 2017
ID number: 24313
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