Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Funerary Honors (frag.) by Zeus-devotees (I BCE) Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands

Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), I BCE
IRhodPC 11 = SEG 41 (1991), no. 662 = PHI 189896 = AGRW ID# 15035
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2049


Right portion of a funerary altar of Lartian marble found reused as building material in a monumental gate (tetrapylon) of the second or third century CE.

(column 1) (two crowns) Grave of Names (?). . . who have been honored by the . . . group-name with a crown . . . and have been honored by the devotees of Zeus Soter (“Savior”) with a gold crown.  Farewell, good people!

(column 2) (crown) Grave of Karpos the Galatian, who has been honored by the devotees of Zeus Soter with a gold crown, with the title of benefactor, and with exemption from everything.  Farewell, good man!

Translation by: Harland

{A} {two crowns} [— — —] | [τιμ]αθέντος ὑπὸ [․․․․․]τᾶν | [— — — σ]τεφάνωι | [— — —] | [—]ς ὑπὸ Διοσ[σ]ω̣τ̣η̣ρια̣σ̣<τ>ᾶν || [χρυσ]έωι στ<ε>φάνωι. | [χρησ]τ̣οὶ χαίρετε.

{B} {crown} καὶ Κά̣ρ̣π̣ου̣ Γαλά̣[τα] | τιμαθέντος ὑπὸ Δι[οσ]|σ<ω>τηρι[α]σ̣τᾶν χρυσ̣[έωι] | στε[φ]άνωι εὐεργεσία[ι] | ἀτελείαι πάντων. || χρηστὸς χ[αῖρε].

Item added: March 9, 2015
Item modified: March 17, 2021
ID number: 15035
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