Kibyra (Lycia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), I BCE - I CE
IKibyra 47
= IGR IV 903
= PHI 341131
= AGRW ID# 9657
Found in the eastern necropolis of Kibyra.
The People (?) . . . and the Romans engaged in business (pragmateuomenoi) here honored Apollonios son of Polydeukes. Troilos and Polydeukes set this up in memory of their father.
Translation by: Harland[ὁ δῆμ]ο[ς] καὶ οἱ ἐνταῦθα | π[ρα]γματευόμενοι Ῥω|[μαῖ]οι ἐτείμησαν Ἀπολ|λώνιον Πολυδεύκου. | vac. || Τρωΐλος καὶ Πολυδεύκης | Ἀπολλω̣νίῳ τῷ πατρὶ | μνήμης ἕνεκεν.
Item added: January 15, 2013
Item modified: January 15, 2013
ID number: 9657
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