Ephesos area [Thyaira] (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), late I CE
C.P. Jones, "A Deed of Foundation from the Territory of Ephesos," JRS 73 (1983) 116-125
= IEph 3214 + IEph 3334
= ILydiaKP III 117 (without IEph 3334)
= SEG 33 (1983), no. 946
= AGRW ID# 7974
Slab of marble in four fragments (A-D), together measuring at least 84 high x 135 wide x 1.2-2.7 cm thick (line height: 2 cm). Three of the fragments (A, C, and D) contain most of lines 1-20 and were published in ILydiaKP III 117 = IEph 3214. Fragment B was published separately as IEph 3334. Following Jones 1983, the text reconstruction below reunites fragment B with fragments A, C and D (i.e. IEph 3334 with IEph 3214). The translation is also by Jones (with approved adaptations). As Jones (1983, 119) points out, this is likely the second of two plaques establishing a group of Heroists who were to perform rites at the family tomb of Peplos, whose wife Paula had died; the family likely had an estate in the area of the ancient village at the site of modern Tire (located about 50 km east of Ephesos). Since the village was in the official territory of Ephesos, the civic authorities and other institutions are Ephesian. Forward slashes (/) in the Greek text represent breaks between fragments.
But if anyone tries, the decree written contrary to this foundation shall be invalid, and the man who does this shall pay 10,000 denarii for the adornment of the goddess Artemis and of the Augusti (Sebastoi) and another 10,000 denarii for distribution to the elders. These sums shall be exacted by the civic magistrates (archons) of the subsequent year and by the guard (paraphylax) (?). But if they (i.e. the magistrates) do not exact it, they themselves shall be liable and subject to exaction by anyone who wishes, whether citizen or stranger, the successful claimant having the privilege of half the sum to be exacted. Of the accessories and utensils in the funerary-shrine (heroon) which are for the service of the funerary cult the list is inscribed below, and has also been carved on a stone monument (stele) in the funerary-shrine: thirteen painted portraits of Nonnia (?) Paula, fourteen figurines of her (?) of Aphrodisian work, two square marble herms containing bronze portraits, two other square marble herms, two figurines of Theban and Alexandrian work, x marble basins . . ., nineteen mosaic floors (?) of Alexandrian work, thirty-six Alexandrian . . ., x marble lion’s heads (?) on the funerary-shrine, two marble . . . , a sun-dial, x inscribed monuments (stelai), . . ., two transparent (?) . . ., two lead spouts (?) (akontistēres), x pipes . . ., . . . with an iron tripod, seven (or: seventeen) wooden benches, . . . . But if any of the aforementioned friends of Peplos, to whom the privilege of participation in the funerary cult (?) has been deeded, dies childless in the lifetime of Peplos, he (i.e. Peplos) shall appoint another Heroist (herostēs; i.e. member of the Heroists’ association) from among his (i.e. the deceased’s) relatives (?) in that man’s place.
Translation by: Christopher P. Jones
[. . . . . ἐ]ὰν δέ τις ἐπιβά[ληται,] τὸ μὲν ὑπενα[ντίο]ν γε̣[γραμμένον ταύτη τῇ διατάξει ?] | [ψήφισ]μα ὑπαρχέτω ἄκ[υρον,] καὶ ἀποτεισάτω [ὁ το]ῦτο πρά̣[ξας] ε̣ἰς προσκόσ[μημα θεᾶς ?] | [Ἀρτέμι]δος καὶ τῶν Σεβαστ[ῶν δ]ηνάρια μύρια κα[ὶ ἄλ]λα εἰς δια̣[νο]μὴν τοῖς πρεσβ[υτέροις] | [δηνάρι]α μύρια, ἃ καὶ πραξάσ[θωσ]αν οἱ μετ᾿ ἐκεῖνο[ν τ]ὸν ἐνιαυτ[ὸν ἄρ]χοντες καὶ ὁ πα||ραφύλ]αξ· ἐὰν δὲ μὴ πράξωσι[ν,] αὐτοὶ ὀφειλέτωσ[αν] καὶ πραχθ[ήτ]ωσαν ὑπὸ παντ[ὸς τοῦ] | [βουλο]μένου, πολείτου τε καὶ ξ[έ]νου, ἔχοντος φιλάν/θρωπον το[ῦ ἐ]κ̣δικαιωσομέν̣[ου τὸ] | [ἥμισ]υ τοῦ εἰσπραχθησομέν[ο]υ χρήματος. ἔστιν [δ]ὲ καὶ τῶν [ἐν τ]ῷ ἡρῴῳ προσκο[σμη|μάτω]ν καὶ σκευῶν τῶν εἰς / τὴν ὑπηρεσίαν τοῦ [ἡρ]ωισμοῦ [ὑ]πογεγραμμένη [ἡ ἀπο|γραφ]{ή}, ἥτις καὶ ἐν τῷ ἡρῴῳ ἐ[ν] στήλλῃ λιθίνῃ κεχ[άρακ]τ̣α̣ι· [vac. εἰκόν]ες γραπταὶ Νονν̣[ί||ας Π]αύλης δεκατρεῖς, ζῴδ/ια Ἀφροδεισιακὰ δεκ[ατέσσαρα, ἑρμαῖ μ]αρμάριναι τετρ[άγω|νοι ἔ]χοντες πρόσωπα χάλκ[ιν]α δύο, ἄλλα ἑρμάδια [μαρμάρινα τετ]ράγωνα δύο, ζῴ[δια] | [δύο] θηβαϊκόν, Ἀλεχανδρειν[ό]ν, λουτῆρες μαρμάρ[ινοι . . . . . 10 . . . . .]Μ[. .]Μ[. . . . .] | [. . .]Α Ἀλεχανδρεινὰ ψηφωτ/ὰ δεκαεννέα, Ἀλεχα[νδρειν- - - -] | [. . .]ΤΑ τρειάκοντα ἕξ, λεοντί/δες ἐπὶ τῷ ἡρῴῳ μαρμ[άρινοι - - -] || [. . .]ΟΙ μαρμάρινοι δύο, ὡρολόγιο/ν, στῆλλαι ἐπιγεγραμ[μέναι - - -] | [δια]φανεῖς δύο, ἀκοντιστῆρ/ες μολυβοί δύο, σείφω[νες - - -] | [. . .] τρισκελὴν σιδηροῦν, βά/θρα ξύλινα ἑπτα[. . . . . 15 . . . . .· ἐὰν δέ τις τῶν προ|γεγ]ραμμένων Πέπλου φί/λων, οἷς τὸ φιλάνθρω[πον τῆς τοῦ ἡρωισμοῦ μετουσίας ? δια|τέτ]ακται ζῶντος Πέπλο/υ ἄτεκνος τελευτή[σῃ, οὗτος ἐκ τῶν προσηκόντων ἕτερόν τινα ? εἰς | τὸν] ἐκείνου τόπον ἡρωισ/τὴν ἀντικατα[στήσει. vac. ? ]
Item added: December 14, 2012
Item modified: December 7, 2015
ID number: 7974
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