Akraiphiai (Boeotia, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), imperial era
IG VII 2725
= Koehler, MDAI(A) 3 (1878) 299-300
= PHI 146238
= AGRW ID# 23183
Copenhagen Inventory info: 979
. . . the resolution. If anyone violates the will of Pythis by forcefully opening the vaulted chamber, that person will–without a trial–pay 2000 denarii to the synod (synodos) of heroists (hērōistai) and of youths (ephēboi) of Epaminondas, our son, and 2500 to the city of Akraiphiai. If anyone erases, takes away, or damages the inscription at the entrance, that person will likewise pay 2000 denarii to the synod of heroists of my children and 2500 denarii to the city of Akraiphiai. I do not want those who insult the heroes of our children, of myself, and of my husband Pythion–whether we be alive or dead–or those who continue to behave in a stubborn manner to participate in the synod of heroists of our children, Epaminondas and Theokrine. Those written below are: Epaphras son of Soteas, . . . (two or more other names) . . ., and Arisston. But if another person is insulting, the same fine . . . (remainder lost).
Translation by: HarlandItem added: February 25, 2016
Item modified: September 4, 2020
ID number: 23183
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