Thera (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 200 BCE
IG XII,3 329 + IG XII,3 Suppl. 1295 on p. 284
= PHI 75846
= AGRW ID# 12910
Copenhagen Inventory info: 14
The association (koinon) of Anthister (i.e. likely a hero or the god Dionysos, whose festivals included the Anthesteria), which was established by a Pythian oracle (pythochrēstos), approved the following: Whereas Argea daughter of the glory-loving Dion, wishing to exhibit the same admirable character (as her father), made a promise to leave behind 500 drachmas to the association, so that we will observe the seventh day (of the month [?]; or seventh day festival [?]) for both her and her daughter, Isthmo, as an association (koinon). It was resolved that, having accepted the promised funds, the overseers (episkopoi) Dion and Meleippos would lend it out at interest with a sufficient security, and from the difference that accrues would gather a gathering (synagōgē) according to what has been written . . . (missing line) . . . olive crown. . . (remaining lines largely illegible with the exception of a reference to “the ancestral gods”).
Translation by: Harland
{IG XII,3 Suppl. 1295 on p. 284} [— — —]ο [π]ρα[τ— — —] | [— — — στε]φάνους θαλ[λοῦ — — —] | — — — θυομένων δύο — — — | [— — — κατ]άλογον ἀποτ[ελ— — —] || [— — — θυέσ]θαι τοῖς πα[τρίοις θεοῖς (?) — — —] | [— — —]Ο̣Γ[․․․]ΤΙ[— — —] | [— — — ]
Item added: May 31, 2013
Item modified: December 18, 2020
ID number: 12910
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