Marisa (Judea, Samaria, and the Galilee, Greater Syria and the East — Pleiades map), ca. 200 BCE
Avner Ecker and Benedikt Eckhardt, “The Koinon of Kosadar in Maresha: A Hellenistic Private Association in the Levant,” IEJ 68 (2018): 192–207
= AGRW ID# 25335
Three pottery pieces (ostraca) found in an excavated hall (complex 169) in the Idumean Hellenistic city of Marisa. These were evidently used as fine tickets in an association gathered around or founded by a man named Kosadar. The name Kosadar comes from the Aramaic (קוסעדר) meaning "Qos helped" (see Ecker and Eckhardt 2018, 194). Qos was among the key deities in Idumea.
The association (koinon) of Kosadar fines Rhodon 40 silver drachmas.
The association (koinon) of Kosadar fines . . . Name x silver drachmas (?).
The association (koinon) of Kosadar fines. . . Name x . . . silver drachmas.
Translation by: HarlandΖημιοῖ τὸ | κοινὸν Κοσα|δάρος Ῥόδωνα̣ | ἀρ(γυρίου) (δραχμαῖς) μ΄.
[Ζη]μ̣ιοῖ τὸ | [κοινὸ]ν Κοσαδά̣|[ρος]++[--] |[ἀρ(γυρίου) (δραχμαῖς) --?]
Ζημ[ιοῖ τὸ κοινὸν Κοσαδάρος?] |ΑΕΙ+[--] | ἀρ(γυρίου) (δραχμαῖς)[--]
[Ζη]μ̣ιοῖ τὸ | [κοινὸ]ν Κοσαδά̣|[ρος]++[--] |[ἀρ(γυρίου) (δραχμαῖς) --?]
Ζημ[ιοῖ τὸ κοινὸν Κοσαδάρος?] |ΑΕΙ+[--] | ἀρ(γυρίου) (δραχμαῖς)[--]
Item added: January 19, 2020
Item modified: November 2, 2022
ID number: 25335
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