Philadelphia (?) (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), II-I BCE
GRA III 193 =
SB III 7182
= CPtolSklav I 91
= TM 7275
= AGRW ID# 25312
Copenhagen Inventory info: 856
(fragment 1, column 1) Hermias: . . .; Kamax: 270; Kaies: 2045; Dikaios; 680; (5) Psammetichos: 385; Thorax: 800; Karpos: 365; Total: 4045 (drachmas).
(fragment 1, column 2) . . . in the storeroom (thēsauron) when it was Hermias’ turn to be the supervisor (epimelētēs): Hermias, Bakchos, Demas, Karpos, Kamax, Psammetichos, Dikaios, making seven (members present). Guests (xenoi): Thibron and . . . Name son of Horion. . .
(fragment 1, column 3) Demetrios from Krokodilopolis . . . remaining in the common fund (koinon), the aforementioned drachmas . . . In Thorax’s (house? or workshop?). On the 15th. . . .
(fragment 2) . . . 90; . . . 450. . .; for the flute girl; the contribution of Psammētichos is 270; for the other guest it is 270; . . . for the unfermented grape juice, 100, making 1590 (drachmas). . .
(fragment 3) Hathyr (?) . . . 1, the 15th, . . .in the sanctuary of Isis (Isieion). . .
(fragment 4, front [r.]) space . . .
(fragment 4, front, column 2) . . . on the 10th, the following (members) gathered in the stable in the harness room when Dikaios was the sacrifice-maker (hieropoios): Hermias, Bakchos, Demetrios, Kamax, Psammetichos, Dikaios, (space) Karpos, who paid twice (?), making eight persons. Of these . . Hermias (?) . . . was exempt from dues.
(fragment 4, front, column 3) . . . in common fund (koinon) . . . on the 15th, the following members gathered in the storehouse (thēsauron): Hermias, Bachos, Thibron, Demetrios. . .
(fragment 4, front, column 4) . . . for . . . that which has been spent (?) . . . , besides the . . . unfermented grape juice . . .
(fragment 4, front) . . . Thorax . . . and: 50 . . . unfermented (?). . . wine: 50. . .
(fragment 5, front) . . . Choiak on the . . . xth: the following members gathered (?) . . . in the harness room, when Dikaios was the sacrifice-maker: Hermias, Bakchos, Thibron, Demas, Karpos, Kamax, Psammetichos, Dikaios, making eight members. Of these, Hermias was exempt from contributions. Remaining: seven. Funds spent for these members, besides . . . for Memphitic wine, 2. . . for a Greek flute-player. . . and for the male dancer (?) . . .
(fragment 5, front, column 1) . . .
(fragment 5, front, column 2) On the 18th the following members gathered: Hermias, Bakchos, Demas, Karpos, Thorax, Psammetichos, making six. Funds spend for these members, besides. . . wine. . . . .
Translation by: Kloppenborg{fragment 1, column 1}
Ἑ̣ρ̣μ̣ί̣α̣ς̣ [ -ca.?- ], | Κάμαξ σο, | Κα̣ι̣ῆς Β̣μ̣ε̣, | Δίκαιος χπ, || Ψαμμήτιχος τπε, | Θώραξ ω, | Κάρπος τξε, | (γίνονται) Δμε. | vac. ? || [ -ca.?- ] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ] ̣υν. |
{fragment 1, column 2}
̣ ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ] | ἐν τῷ [θησαυρῷ ἐπὶ] | τῆς π[αρ]α̣λ̣[ήμ-] | ψεως Ἑρμ[ίο]υ τοῦ || ἐπιμελητ̣ο̣ῦ | Ἑρμία̣ς̣, | Βάχχο̣ς, | Δημᾶς, | Κάρπος, || Κάμαξ, | Ψαμμήτιχος, | Δίκαιος, | (γίνονται) ζ. | ξένοι || Θίβρων, | [ -ca.?- ] ̣ρίων Ὡρίωνο̣ς. |
{fragment 1, column 3}
δη̣μ̣η̣[ -ca.?- ] | ἐκκρο̣[ -ca.?- ] | α̣ἱ προκείμ̣[εναι -ca.?- ] || καταλίπον[ται] <καταλείπον[ται]> [ -ca.?- ] | ἐν Θώρακι αὐ[τ -ca.?- ] | vac. ? | ιε [ -ca.?- ] | ἐν [ -ca.?- ] ||
[ -ca.?- ] ̣ ϙ | [ -ca.?- ] υν | [ -ca.?- ]ω̣ ̣η̣ αὐλη(τῇ) Ψα|[μ]μητίχου συμβο(λὴ) σο, | [ἄ]λλου ξένου σο, || [ -ca.?- ] ̣μ̣α ̣ ̣ καὶ τρυ(γὸς) ρ, | (γίνονται) Αφϙ. |
[ -ca.?- ]υ̣ριε̣[ -ca.?- ] | [ -ca.?- ἐν] τῷ Ἰσ̣ι̣ή̣ῳ̣ <Ἰσιείῳ> [ -ca.?- ] |
{fragment 4, front [recto], column 1}
[-ca.?-] |
{fragment 4, front [recto], column 2}
| [ -ca.?- ] ι συνήχ̣θ(ησαν) || ἐν τῷ ἱπποκοιναρίῳ | ἐν τῇ σχεοθήκῃ <σκευοθήκῃ> | — διὰ ἱεροποιοῦ Δικαίου | Ἑρμίας, | Βάχχος, || Δημήτριος, | Κάμαξ, | Ψαμμήτιχος, | Δίκαιος | vac. ? || [ -ca.?- ]γέ̣ντες | Κ̣[άρ]πος, | (γίνονται) η, (τούτων) | [ -ca.?- ] ̣ [ἀσ]ύμβολος. |
{fragment 4, front [recto], column 3}
[ca.11 lines missing] | ἐν κοινῷ [ -ca.?- ] || vac. ? | ιε σ̣υνήχθησαν | ἐν τῷ θ̣ησαγρῷ <θησαυρῷ> | Ἑρμίας, | Βάχχος, || Θίβρων | [Δημή]τ̣ριο[ς]. |
{fragment 4, front [recto], column 4}
[ca.13 lines missing] | ε̣ἰ̣[ς οὓς ἀνήλωται] | π[αρὰ τὸν -ca.?- ] | το̣[ -ca.?- ] || οἴν̣[ου -ca.?- ] | κε̣[ -ca.?- ] | μ[ -ca.?- ] | ει̣[ -ca.?- ] | ηλ̣[ -ca.?- ] ||
{fragment 4, back [verso]}
[ -ca.?- ]ι̣ Θώραξ | [ -ca.?- ] καὶ ̣ ̣ν̣ | [ -ca.?- τ]ρ̣ύγα̣ ν. |
{fragment 5, front [recto]}
Χοία[ -ca.?- ]κ[ -ca.?- ] | ἐν̣ τ̣ῇ σ̣[κευοθήκῃ] — || ἱερ̣ο̣π̣[ο]ι̣[ο]ῦ [Δ]ι̣[καίου] | Ἑρμίας, | Βάχ[χος], | Θίβρων, | Δημᾶς, || Κάρπος, | Κάμαξ, | Ψαμμήτιχος, | Δίκαιος, | (γίνονται) η, (τούτων) || ἀσύμβολος Ἑρμίας, | λ(οιποὶ) ζ, | εἰς οὓς ἀνήλωται | παρὰ τὸν ἀφι̣η̣[ -ca.?- ] | οἴνου Μεμφί(του) κ̣[ -ca.?- ] || Ἑλλανίκῳ αὐλητῇ [ -ca.?- ] | καὶ τῷ κιναίδῳ [ -ca.?- ] |
{fragment 5, back [verso], column 1}
Traces 5 lines |
{fragment 5, back [verso], column 2}
ιη συνήχ̣[θησαν] | Ἑρμίας, | Βάχχο[ς], || Δημᾶς, | Κάρπος, | Θώραξ, | Ψαμμήτι[χος], | (γίνονται) ϛ, || εἰς οὓς̣ [ἀνήλωται] | παρὰ [ -ca.?- ] | οἴνο[υ -ca.?- ] | ̣ιαβ[ -ca.?- ] | ̣[ -ca.?- ]β[ -ca.?- ].
Item added: January 21, 2020
Item modified: January 21, 2020
ID number: 25312
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