Arsinoites (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 119 CE (after August 4)
GRA III 230 =
PPhil 1, lines 1-35
= BL IX 211
= TM 12713
= AGRW ID# 31378
To Artemidoros the commander (stratēgos) . . . of . . . I have recorded the payment given to me by Dosastephanos and the craftsmen (cheirotechnai) associated with him. I am amazed how the matter that was ordered by his excellency Maximus and by me is still opposed. For what he wrote remains in force. If some who are wealthy wish to take refuge in a craft (ergasia), they should not succeed in doing this, seeing how I have given orders about those who have greater wealth. For when Maximus called upon those whose worth was greater than one talent in property to engage in farming, while making an exception for the weavers (gerdioi) along with the others, it was in violation of Maximus’ judgment if a weaver was burdened with service (a liturgy) even though he did not have property worth a talent. But if someone had more wealth in property he would try to evade responsibilities with the pretense of being in a craft. It seems to me good to decide the punishment of . . . talent. Year 12 of Trajan on the 11th of Thoth.
Chapter from an edict of Gaius Vibius Maximus, prefect of Egypt:
Persons of the categories listed below who own their own land shall have a service (liturgical) obligation provided that they have a taxable estate greater in value than 1 talent, which has been estimated not from an unofficial declaration but from their actual wealth. However, priests, shall be obligated only if they cultivate their own land. The following are exempted from service (liturgies; i.e. if they own land valued less than 1 talent): priests of the high-ranking temples . . . maintainers of animals (ktēnotrophoi) for transportation, . . . old men, men officially recognized as sick, . . . physicians (iatroi), . . . dealers (pōlai) in . . ., potters (karameis [?]), manufacturers of oil (elaiourgoi). . ., fullers (gnapheis). . ., carpenters (tektones), . . . goldsmiths (chrysochooi) and whoever pay the tax on crafts . . . Year . . .
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: April 30, 2020
Item modified: April 30, 2020
ID number: 31378
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