Prusias by Hypios (Bithynia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
IPrusiasHyp 63-64
= PHI 280002
= AGRW ID# 13339
Copenhagen Inventory info: 652
Block of limestone (IPrusiasHyp 63; 50 x 32 x 32 cm; letter height: 3.5 cm). No description for IPrusiasHyp 64. These may involve an ongoing neighborhood association.
IPrusiasHyp 63: The neighbourhood (geitniasis) dedicated this to Zeus Soter (“Savior”) on behalf of the city (polis).
IPrusiasHyp 64: The neighborhood dedicated this to. . . Zeus (?). . . Soter.
Translation by: HarlandIPrusiasHyp 63: Διὸ[ς] | Σωτ[ῆ]|ρος | ὑπὲρ τῆ̣[ς] || πόλεω̣[ς] | ἡ γειτν̣[ί]|ασ̣ι[ς].
IPrusiasHyp 64: [Διὸς] | Σωτῆ[ρος] | ἡ γειτν̣ία|σ[ι]ς.
Item added: June 19, 2013
Item modified: September 22, 2020
ID number: 13339
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