Kyzikos area [Panormos] (Mysia and the Troad, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), I BCE-II CE
AGRW 110 =
GIBM IV 1007
= IMT 1918
= M. Perdrizet, “Reliefs mysiens,” BCH 23 (1899), 592-93 (no. 1 and plate IV)
= PHI 289198
= AGRW ID# 537
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1007
Slab of white marble with a triangular top (pediment) and with a three-paneled relief. The top panel depicts Zeus, Artemis and Apollo; the second panel shows a banqueting scene with six male figures; and, the bottom panel portrays four figures, namely a seated figure playing the double-flute, a nude female dancing, a nude dancing figure with a Phrygian cap and percussion instruments, and a man at the wine bowl. Thallos is likely the official of an association (if the chous reading is correct) or of a village (if the chōros reading is correct). The term χοῦς was a somewhat rare word for an association, but do see IKyzikos 26, line 2.
Thallos, eponymous official, dedicated the monument to Zeus Hypsistos (“Highest”) and the association (chous).
Translation by: HarlandΔιὶ ὑ|ψίστωι κ(αὶ) | τῷ χῳ {IMT} {τῷ χώρῳ; GIBM} Θάλλος | ἐπώνυμος τὸν | τελαμῶνα ἀπέδωκα.
Item added: November 19, 2011
Item modified: September 22, 2020
ID number: 537
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