Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication to Zeus Epikarpios and a Society by Fronto (imperial era) Diokaisareia - Cilicia

Diokaisareia (Cilicia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), imperial era
H. Şahin, "Eine neue Weihinschrift für Zeus Epikarpios aus dem mittleren Rauhen Kilikien," EA 40 (2007) 35-40 = SEG 57 (2007), no. 1701 = AGRW ID# 24235


Round altar of gray limestone with the relief of an eagle carrying a garland, with a bunch of grapes on both sides and the inscription above the relief (110 x 63 cm). Found at Gedikpınarı (about 20 km northwest of Silifke/Seleukeia and 11 km southwest of Uzuncaburç/Diokaisareia). For the god Zeus Epikarpios, see also MAMA VII 476 and 453; IGR III 128. As Şahin points out, it is possible that this Zeus has some connection to the Luwian weather-god Tarhunt.

Sextus Firmius Fronto, the worker for the People (dēmiourgos) and leader of the gathering (synagōgeus) (or: the fabricator and assembler), dedicated this to Zeus Epikarpios (“Fruit-bringer”) and the society (thiasos).

Translation by: Harland

Διὶ Ἐπικαρπίῳ καὶ τῷ | θιάσ[ῳ Σέ]ξτος Φίρμι|ος Φρόντων ὁ δημιουρ|γὸς καὶ συναγωγεύς

Item added: April 28, 2016
Item modified: April 28, 2016
ID number: 24235
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