Rhodos on Rhodes (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), undated
IG XII,1 31
= GIBM II 346
= PHI 138565
= AGRW ID# 12471
Copenhagen Inventory info: 2048
. . . By decision of the association of devotees of Zeus Atabyrios (?) . . . who are slaves of the city, Eulimenos the secretary (grammateus) of the People, having served as priest of Zeus Atabyrios (“of mount Atabyris”), dedicated the bull to Zeus Atabyrios . . . as a thanksgiving (?). . . on behalf of the Rhodian authorities.
Translation by: Harlandαστᾶν τῶν τᾶς πό|λ[ι]ος δούλων, Εὐλί|μ̣ενος γραμματεὺς | [δα]μόσιος ἱερατεύ||[σας] Διὸς Ἀταβυρίου | [ὑπὲρ] τ̣ῶν κυρίων Ῥο|[δίων ἀ]ν̣έθηκε Διῒ Ἀ|[ταβυρίῳ] τοὺ<ς> βοῦς | [χαριστήρ]ιον.
Item added: May 21, 2013
Item modified: March 18, 2021
ID number: 12471
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