Aizanoi area (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), II CE
MAMA X 304
= Thomas Drew-Bear and Christian Naour, “Divinités De Phrygie,” ANRW II.18.3 (1990) 1987-1991 (no. 19)
= PHI 269256
= AGRW ID# 5466
Copenhagen Inventory info: 504
Cylindrical altar of white marble (94 cm high). The term bennos may, as Drew-Bear argue, be a north Phrygian term for an "association." On the other hand, B. Levick and S. Mitchell suggest that bennos was more likely a term for a cult object or statue of some sort (see the notes to MAMA X 222 for this interpretation).
Tryphon son of Meniskos dedicated this to Zeus and to the devotees of Bennios (benneitai).
Translation by: HarlandΤρύφων Μενίσκου Διὶ | καὶ τοῖς Βεννείταις.
Item added: November 8, 2012
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 5466
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