Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication to Zeus and Hera as a Vow by a Society (82 CE) Pantikapaion - Bosporan region

Pantikapaion (Bosporan region, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 82 CE
IBosp 76 = PHI 182791 = AGRW ID# 7548
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1270


Slab of marble with a gable and a relief depicting Zeus holding a scepter (97 x 27 x 15 cm; letter height: 1.4 - 1.6 - 3 cm). There are two other known dedications to Zeus and Hera from the Bosporos: IBosp 1021 (105 CE) and IBosp 36 (270s CE). Found at Kerch, now in Kerch Historical and Archaeological Museum (inv. КЛ-1163)

To good fortune.  During the reign of king Tiberius Julius Rheskouporis (I), friend of Caesar and friend of the Romans, pious one, this was dedicated to the deities . . . Zeus (?) . . . and Hera, Saviors, according to a vow (euchē).  Menios son of Bradakos was synagogue-leader (synagōgos), Antimachos son of Chariton was the goodness-loving official (philagathos), and Pasion II was supervisor (epimelētēs).  The society-members were: Straton son of Herakleides, Herakleides II, Ariston son of Kalos, Makarios son of Teimolaos, Achaimenes son of Gaius, Hedubios son of Lamachos, Kalous son of Athenaios, Theagenes . . . son of Name . . ., Diophantos II, Nymphodoros II, Dionysodoros son of Sostratos, Lucius son of Quintus, Aristodemos son of Kallisthenes, Athenaios II, Ariston son of Theoteimos, Rufus Erotos.  This was done in the 379th year on the 20th of the month of Pereition.

Translation by: Harland

ἀγαθῆι τύχηι. | βασιλεύοντος βασιλέω[ς] | Τιβερίου Ἰουλίου Ῥησκ̣[ου]|πόριδος, φιλοκαίσ[α]||ρος καὶ φιλορω̣[μαίου], | εὐσεβοῦς, θεο[ῖς Διὶ καὶ] | Ἥρα{ι} Σωτῆρ[σ]ιν ἐπ̣ὶ̣ [τὴν] | εὐχήν· συναγωγὸς | Μήνιος Βραδάκου, καὶ̣ || φιλάγαθος Ἀν̣τί̣μ̣αχος | Χαρίτωνος, ἐπι[μ]ελη[τὴς] | Πασίων βʹ θιεσεῖται· | Στράτων Ἡρακλείδο[υ], | Ἡρακλείδης βʹ, Ἀρίσ̣των || Καλοῦ, Μακάριος Τειμο|λάου, Ἀχαιμένης Γαΐου̣, | Ἡδύβιος Λαμάχου, Καλ[οῦς] | Ἀθηναίου, Θεαγένη[ς — —]|λ̣έου, Διόφαντος βʹ, Νυμ̣φ̣ό||δ̣ωρος βʹ, Διονυσόδωρος Σω̣|[σ]τράτου, Λούκιος Κοΐντ[ου], | [Ἀρ]ιστόδημος Καλλισθένου̣, | [Ἀθ]ηναῖος βʹ, Ἀρίστων Θε|οτείμου, Ῥοῦφος Ἔρω[τος]. | vac. || ἐν τῶι θοτʹ ἔτει [καὶ] | μηνὶ Περειτίωι κʹ.

Item added: December 10, 2012
Item modified: October 1, 2020
ID number: 7548
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