Tanais (Bosporan region, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 240 CE
IBosp 1287
= IPontEux II 454
= PHI 184029
= AGRW ID# 7962
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1324
To good fortune. This was dedicated as a vow to Theos Hypsistos (“Highest God”), who hears, by the synod (synodos) gathered around Papas son of Chrestos the priest, Nympherotas son of Ochoziakos the synagogue-leader (synagōgos), Theon son of Phazinamos the goodness-loving official (philagathon), Phazinamos son of Kallistion the assistant to the goodness-loving official (paraphilagathos), Makarios son of Mastos the head of the gymnasium (gymnasiarchēs), and Zethos son of Zethos the head of the youths (neaniskarchēs). The rest of the society-members (thiasitai) are: Nauarkos son of Stosarakos, Menestratos son of Hermes, Menas son of Neokleus, Makarios son of Neron, Thiarmakos son of Chrysippos, Alexandros son of Sogos, Sarakos son of Dadas, Xarthanos son of Asklepiades, Siagous son of Mandasos, Aurazakos son of Rhodon, Ochoziakos son of Publius, Epagathos son of Peisitheos, Alexandros son of Abdarakos, Orstomechos son of Abdarakos, Iasandanakos (?) son of Aster, Doulas son of Tryphon, Stratoneikos son of Zenon, Tryphon son of Phanneus, Kossos (?) son of Herakleides, Charzabogados son of Demetrios, Phanneus son of Stratoneikos, Chauchakos son of Stratoneikos, Arsoarakos son of Dadas, Chariton son of Demetrios, . . . Name son of Amaiakos, Thiabogos son of Siomachos, Limnakos son of Publius, Siomachos son of Thaumastos, Iziakos (?) son of Archathios, Chomeus son of Makarios, Azarion son of Demetrios, Ethiochakos son of Ardonagaros, Ouanounobaros son of Menestratos, Phazios son of Pappos, Irganos son of Chomeuos (?), Phedanakos son of Eunon, Eunon (?) son of Aster, Menyllos (?) son of Pharnakos, Philotas (?) son of Apsachos (?), Phazios son of Phazios, Auaskis son of Amaiakos, . . . Name son of Doulas (?), Godosauos son of Aroastiros, Phazios (?) son of Doulas, Iasandanakos son of Iauakos, Dadas son of Pappos, Seimeikos son of Borobarakos, and Lobeis son of Stratoneikos. This was done in the 541st year in the month of Panemos.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: December 13, 2012
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 7962
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