Tanais (Bosporan region, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 225 CE
IBosp 1279
= IPontEux II 447
= PHI 184021
= AGRW ID# 7878
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1324
To good fortune. This was dedicated to Theos Hypsistos (“Highest God”), who hears, by the synod (synodos) which is gathered around Theos Hypsistos, Chophrasmos son of Phorgabakos the priest, Euprepes son of Symphoros the synagogue-leader (synagōgos), Antimachos son of Pasion the goodness-loving official (philagathon), Symphoros son of Demetrios the assistant to the goodness-loving official (paraphilagathos), Balodis son of Demetrios the head of the gymnasium (gymnasiarchēs), and Sauanon son of Chophrasmos the head of the youths (neaniskarchēs). The rest of the society-members (thiasitai) are: Menophilos son of Moschas, Abrozeos son of Ariston, Soterikos son of Publius, Phauchos son of Publius, . . . Name son of Antimachos, Rhachoisakos son of Eunoikos, Athiagas son of Balodios, Megis II, Eutyches son of Antimachos, Dynaton son of Demetrios, Irauadis son of Demetrios, Symphoros son of Kallisthenes, Aspandanos son of Leimanos, Ardagdakos son of Publius, Madois son of Sambation, Nabazos son of Kimbros, Midachos son of Ardaros, Phoriauos son of Antisthenes, Rhachoisakos son of Rhassogos, Name. . . son of Zeuakos, Herakleides son of Markeanos,. . . Name son of Siauakos, Ochodiakos son of Doulas, Gaos, Panauchos son of Ardaros, Osmarakos son of Amaiakos, Psycharion son of Tryphon (?), Ariston son of Menestratos, Odiardos son of Demetrios, Symphoros son of . . Name . . . .Okxymakos . . . (one illegible line) . . . son of Diophantos, Eutyches . . . son of Name, Amardiakos son of Menestratos, . . . Name son of Alexandros, Gosakos son of Aspakos, Araouebos son of . . . Name, Dalosakos son of Symphoros, Ardonastos son of Sophron, Bagdochos son of Symphoros, . . . Name son of Amaeiakos, Rhodigasos son of Symphoros, . . . Name son of Athenodoros, Xiamphokanos son of Antimachos, Aubadagmos son of Name. . . This was done in the 522nd year on the 20th of the month of Pereitios.
Translation by: Harland
IBosp 1278: Facsimile by Ludolf Stephani, “Erklärung einiger im südlichen Russland gefundener Kunstwerke,” Compte rendu de la Commission Impériale Archéologique (1874) [1870-1871] 239.Public domain.
Item added: December 13, 2012
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 7878
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