Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication to Theos Hypsistos by a Synod Around Chophrasmos (220 CE) Tanais - Bosporan region

Tanais (Bosporan region, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 220 CE
IBosp 1278 = IPontEux II 446 = PHI 184020 = AGRW ID# 7861
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1324


Piece of a slab of marble (124 x 94 x 2-3 cm; letter height: 2.8-3 cm). Found at Nedvigovka in 1869-70, now in Hermitage (inv. TH 323).

To good fortune.  This was dedicated to Theos Hypsistos (“Highest God”), who hears, by the synod (synodos) which is gathered around Theos Hypsistos, Chophrasmos son of Phorgabakos the priest, Rhadamophourtos son of Tryphon the synagogue-leader (synagōgos), Demetrios son of Herakleides the goodness-loving official (philagathon), Euios son of Rhodon the assistant to the goodness-loving official (paraphilagathos), and Chariton son of Makarios the head of the youths (neaniskarchēs). The rest of the society-members (thiasitai) are: Zenon son of Phanneus, Antimachos son of Pasion, Eunoikos son of Eunoikos, Gorgias son of Pharnakion, Thalamos son of Pitopharnakos, Asandros son of Thamastos, Italoraspos son of Herakleides, Arathes son of Phidanos, Phannes son of Dadas, Pateis son of Alkimos, Heroxenos son of Basileides, Kadanakos son of Nauagos, Zabargos son of Chariton, Apollonios son of Apollonios, Dadas son of Pappos, Pharnakes son of Herakleides, Charaxstos son of Pharnakos, Xegodis (?) son of Achaimenos, Oxardozis son of Eubarnakos, Zorthines son of Phazinamos, Ardarakos son of Tryphon, Bassos son of Bassos, Demetrios son of Antimachos, Sambation son of Gorgias, Name . . . son of Demetrios, Gosakos son of Aspakos, Makarios son of Achaimenos (?), Phaldaranos son of Apollonios, Charophadios son of Name. . . , Ardarakos son of Odiardos, Pharnoxarthos son Herakleides, . . . Name son of Asklepiades, Phorbas (?) son of Phodastes, Azarion . . . son of Demetrios (?) . . ., Iasandanakos son of . . . Name, Midachos son of Thianaros, . . . Name son of Pappos, . . . Name son of Name . . ., Aphtheimakos son of . . . Name, Phazinamos son of Name the father (patēr) of the synod (?) . . ., Choargaros son of Name. . ., Sambation son of Name. . . (about 10 largely illegible names). . . Aphthemakos son of Apsachos, Sambation (?) son of Atachaios (?).  This was done in the 517th year on the xth of the month of Deios. . . (final three lines largely illegible, perhaps indicating who took responsibility for the erection of the monument).

Translation by: Harland

ἀγα̣[θῆ]ι τύχηι. | Θεῶι Ὑψίστωι ἐπηκόωι̣ [ἡ σ]ύνοδος ἡ [περ]ὶ Θεὸν Ὕψιστον κα[ὶ] | ἱερέα Χόφρασμον Φοργαβ̣[ά]κου̣ καὶ σ[υν]α̣γωγὸν Ῥαδαμό|φουρτον Τρύφωνος καὶ φιλάγαθον Δ̣η̣μ̣ή̣τ̣ριον Ἡ̣ρ̣ακλεί||δου καὶ παραφι[λ]άγαθον Εὔιον̣ Ῥόδωνος καὶ γυμν̣[ασι]άρ|χ̣ην Θιάγαρον Ἀντισθένου καὶ νεανισ̣κάρ[χ]η̣ν Χαρίτω|να Μακαρίου καὶ οἱ λοιποὶ θιασῶται· Ζ̣ήνων̣ [Φά]ννεως̣, | Ἀντίμαχος Πασίωνος, Εὐνοϊκὸς Εὐνοϊκοῦ, [Γο]ρ̣γίας Φα[ρνα]|κ̣ίωνος, Θάλαμος Πιτοφαρνάκου, Ἄσανδρος Θαυμαστοῦ, || [Ἰ]τ̣αλ̣ό̣ρασπ̣ος Ἡρακλείδου, Ἀράθης Φιδάνοι, Φάννης Δάδα, | Π̣άτεις Ἀλκίμου, Ἡρόξενος Βασιλε<ί>δου, Καδάνακος Ναυάγου, | Ζάβαργος Χαρ[ί]τωνος, Ἀπολ̣λώ̣νιος Ἀπολλωνίου, Δάδ̣ας Πάπ|που, Φαρνάκης Ἡρακλείδου, Χάραξσ̣[τ]ο̣ς Φαρνάκου, Ξ[ηγόδις?] | Ἀχαιμένου, Ὀξαρδ̣ῶζις Εὐβαρν̣ά̣κ̣[ου, Ζ]ωρθίνης Φαζ[ινάμου], || Ἀρδάρακος Τρύφωνος, Β̣άσσος Β[άσσου?], Δημήτριος̣ [Ἀντι]|μάχου, Σαμβατ̣ίων Γοργί[α], Ο̣[— — —]δ̣ος Δημητ̣[ρίου], | Γώσακος Ἀσπάκου, Μακάρ̣[ιος Ἀχαιμέν?]ο̣υ, Φ[αλδ]ά̣ρα̣[νος] | Ἀπολ̣λωνίου, Χοαροφάδιος [— — — — —], Ἀρδ̣[άρ]α̣κος [Ὀδι]|άρδου, Φαρνόξαρθος Ἡρακλ̣[είδου, — — — — — Ἀ]σκλη[πιά]||δου̣, Φό[ρ]β̣[ας? Φ․]οδάστου, Ἀζα[ρίων Δημητρίου?, Ἰασ]ανδάνα|κος Χοζ[․․]ίου, Μίδαχος Θιαγ̣άρο̣[υ, — — — Π]άππου, Θε|[․․․]ος [․․․․]ακου, Ἀφθείμακος Διο̣[— — —]βανζος Β̣?λευ| [— — πατὴρ συ?]νόδου̣ Φαζίναμ(ος) Ἀρ̣[— — —]δ̣άμου, Χοάργαρ|[ος — — — — —]․άμου, Σαμβατίων [— — — —]ά̣κου, Ὀσσι[— —]․ος || [— — —]βράδεος Λειμάνο̣[υ, — — —]κος Ἀμβούστου, | [— — — Ε]ὐ̣νοϊκο[ῦ, Μέ]ν̣υλλ̣ο[ς Χρυσίππ?]ου, Οὔστανος Ζή|[νωνος?, Δαλ?]όσακο[ς — —]αγει[— — —]είσμ[α]κος Ἀντι|[μάχου — — —]γ̣αυος Ἀ[σκλ]η̣π̣[ιάδου, Ἀ]φ̣θείμα[κος Ἀ]ψ̣ά|[χου, Σαμ]βατίων Ἀτ̣α̣χ̣[αίου?. ἐν τῶ]ι ζ∙ι∙φʹ ∙ ἔ[τει], || μηνὶ Δεί̣ω̣ι̣ [— — — — — —]νάγας Ἀβηδάμω̣ | [— — — ο]υ | [— — —]ς Μύρωνος, Σανα[— — —]α̣νάκω.

IBosp 1278: Facsimile by Ludolf Stephani, “Erklärung einiger im südlichen Russland gefundener Kunstwerke,” Compte rendu de la Commission Impériale Archéologique (1874) [1870-1871] 239.Public domain. 

Item added: December 13, 2012
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 7861
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