Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication of an Altar to the Manifest God Dionysos by Initiates (II CE) Dorylaion area - Phrygia

Dorylaion area (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), II CE
C.H. Emelie Haspels, "Relics of a Dionysiac Cult in Asia Minor," AJA 66 (1962) 285-286 (no. 2) = SEG 20:37 = PHI 272296 = AGRW ID# 6650
Copenhagen Inventory info: 469


Altar of grey marble (112 x 39-50 x 34-42 cm), now in the Brusa museum (inv. 1065). The relief on the front depicts Dionysos wearing a tunic (chiton) and a head dress of grapes and ivy. Dionysos holds a bunch of grapes in his right hand (grabbed by some animal) and a wand or staff (thyrsos) in his left hand. A tree appears to the left and right of Dionysos. On the left side of the altar there is a goat's head between acroteria and, beneath, a figure wearing a tunic and holding two torches or sticks. On the back of the altar is a tree bearing fruit with two figures, one holding a hatchet. On the right side of the altar is a Pan figure with hairy legs and hoofs and with goat's horns and ears. Above this between acroteria is the head of an animal (ram?).

The new initiates (neoi mystai) dedicated this to the manifest god, Dionysos.

Translation by: Harland

[ν]έοι μύσται Διο̣[νύσῳ] | ἐπιφ̣ανεῖ θεῷ.

Item added: November 26, 2012
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 6650
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