Pergamon (Mysia and the Troad, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), I-II CE
IPergamon 338
= RICIS 301/1203
= SIRIS 314
= PHI 301993
= AGRW ID# 7263
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1334
Piece of a plaque of white marble (damaged).
Titus Aphareus. . . son of Name together with the other (?) . . . therapeutists (therapeutai) set this up . . . for Sarapis (?) . . . when T. Flavius (?) was secretary (grammateus) for the second time.
Translation by: HarlandΤίτος ․[— {nomen τοῦ δεῖνος} υἱὸς] | Ἀφαρεὺς [σὺν τοῖς ἄλλοις] | θεραπευτα[ῖς Σαράπιδι(?)] | ἀνέθη̣[κε], || γραμματεύο[ντος τὸ βʹ(?)] | Τ(ιβερίου) Φλ[αβίου — — —]
Item added: December 6, 2012
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 7263
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