Delos (Southwestern islands, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), ca. 225-200 BCE
IG XI,4 1290
= RICIS 202/0121
= PHI 63775
= AGRW ID# 7437
Plaque of blue marble from Sarapis sanctuary A (Sarapieion A), now in the Delos Museum (inv. A 3061). On the collection of funds or offerings in the sanctuaries of Sarapis at Delos, see also inscriptions involving offering receptacles, or thēsauroi (e.g. IG XI,4 1247 = RICIS 202/0124 on this site).
The priest Apollonios and those of the therapeutists (therapeutai; i.e. servants of the god) who contribute (or: collect; i.e. collect or contribute funds; hoi symbalomenoi) dedicated this to Nike.
Translation by: Harlandὁ ἱερεὺς | Ἀπολλώνιος | καὶ οἱ συμβαλόμενοι | τῶν θεραπευτῶν || Νίκει.
Item added: December 8, 2012
Item modified: February 19, 2016
ID number: 7437
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