Aizanoi area [Yaylababa Köyu] (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), III CE
GRA 112 =
H. Malay, "Φιλάνπελοι in Phrygia and Lydia," EA 38 (2005) 42-44 (link)
= PHI 272885
= AGRW ID# 6293
Copenhagen Inventory info: 117
Slab (stele) of white limestone, broken in four pieces; probably from the sanctuary at Yaylababa Köyu in the upper Tembris valley, now in the Kütahya Arkeoloji Müzesi (49 x 34.5 x 5 cm; letter height: 1.5 cm). A radiated head is portrayed in the pediment, which is also decorated with acroteria. Below is a depiction of two divine figures with long hair, namely Holy and Just. The figure on the right holds a sceptre (Holy) and the figure on the left holds a pair of scales in the right hand (Just). Yaylababa Köyu is located between ancient Kotiaion and Aizanoi. Malay's recent study of φιλανπέλων ("lovers of the vine") corrects the original reading of φιλανγέλων ("lovers of angels" or "friends of angels") by A.R.R. Sheppard, “Pagan Cults of Angels in Roman Asia Minor.” Talanta 12-13 (1980-81) 77-101 (cf. SEG 31 [1981], no. 1130; NewDocs VI 31).
Aurelius. (relief)
The association (synbiōsis) of lovers of the vine (philanpeloi) dedicated this to the Holy and Just (Hosios Dikeos) as a vow.
Translation by: Harland(In the pediment, below the radiated head:) Α̣ὐρ(ήλιος)
(relief depicting two figures)
φιλανπέλων συνβί|ωσις Ὁσίῳ Δικέῳ εὐ|χήν.
Item added: November 21, 2012
Item modified: October 18, 2020
ID number: 6293
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