Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication to Hercules by a President of the Bakers (100-150 CE) Tibur - Latium

Tibur (Latium, Italy — Pleiades map), 100-150 CE
CIL XIV 4234 = ILS 3417 = AGRW ID# 24512


Small votive altar of marble, found at the sanctuary of Hercules Victor in Tibur. M. Cerellius Iazemis, a citizen of Ostia, was not only president for life of the (Ostian) baker’s association but he also identifies himself as a codicarius involved in the boat transport of goods on the Tiber and as a grain merchant. Now in Rome, Museo Nazionale Romano, Terme di Diocleziano (inv. 72472).

Marcus Caerellius Iazemis, president of the bakers (pistores) for the third time and for life, boatman, and also a grain merchant gave this as a gift to Hercules Invictor (“Unconquered”) in fulfilment of a vow.

Translation by: Birgit van der Lans

M(arcus) Caerellius | Iazemis q(uin)q(uennalis) | pistorum III | et perpet(uus) || codicarius item | mercator | frumentarius | Invicto | Herculi || ex voto d(onum) d(edit)

Altar dedicated by president of the bakers, from Tibur (photo: Van der Lans)

Altar dedicated by president of the bakers, from Tibur (photo: Van der Lans)

Item added: February 14, 2017
Item modified: February 14, 2017
ID number: 24512
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